Home » Integrasi Google Maps & Waze Hadirkan Insiden di TKP

Integrasi Google Maps & Waze Hadirkan Insiden di TKP

by anaknongkrong
Google Maps

Google Maps dan Waze kini saling terintegrasi dengan menggunakan sumber informasi yang sama dan terhubung satu sama lainnya.

Waze akan mengirimkan informasi ke Google Maps mengenai keadaan jalanan yang mana akan dilewati oleh pnegguna Maps.

Sebelumnya Google juga telah memberikan banyak perbaikan Maps di Android Auto hingga Car Play dan kini mereka kembali memberikan peningkatan untuk pengguna iOS dan Android.

Ketika pengguna ingin melewati jalan tertentu, Google akan memberikan keterangan apakah jalan tersebut aman-aman saja atau sebaliknya.

Jika ada sebuah insiden seperti kecelakaan atau bahkan macet, maka Google Maps akan memberikan keterangan sehingga pengguna bisa memikirkan akan melewatinya atau mencari jalan pintas.

Informasi ini terhubung dengan Waze dan penguna bahkan bisa melihat dari mana sumber informasi tersebut.

“We’re excited for more drivers to see reports coming from Waze. This wouldn’t be possible without our partnership with Geo, where we aim to bring the most comprehensive map data to all drivers through bi-directional data exchange (like KoiFish.”

Pengembangan dan fitur baru ini memang telah dituliskan oleh Waze melalui laman resminya, berikut beberapa pembaruan atas kerja sama Google yang mereka rilis:

  1. New camera types have been among the top suggested features in the WME suggestion box, and we’re proud to finally bring these to all Waze drivers. You’ve already brought so much hyperlocal knowledge on new types needed and are helping migrate existing camera types to the new infrastructure. Stay tuned over the coming weeks as we move into community mapping and testing phases.
  2. New event landing experience: You’ve been telling us for quite some time to improve how we communicate the Traffic Events information to users. We tested the new event landing page with the help of many local communities over the past two months for large events such as Pride parades, Tour de France and the Olympic Games. Your mapping, feedback and input have been invaluable. Stay tuned for more updates on traffic events, also coming to WME.
  3. Lock screen navigation: This was an important request from many communities in Waze, especially our Brazil community. Thank you for helping us understand the need for this more deeply and advising us on the way through development for this one.
  4. Google Maps will surface reports from our drivers with attribution to Waze directly in the app: Today’s announcement features types like police alerts and more data types will be shared and attributed to Waze in the future. We’re excited for more drivers to see reports coming from Waze. This wouldn’t be possible without our partnership with Geo, where we aim to bring the most comprehensive map data to all drivers through bi-directional data exchange (like KoiFish) and ensure our Map Editors have the best tools available (such as ‘The button’ – Request updated satellite imagery).
  5. We are also exploring how we can ensure contributors (drivers and partners) see how many users their alerts impacted both on and off the Waze app to encourage continued contribution.

Lebih lanjut kamu bisa mengunjungi Waze Discuss melalui link berikut ini.

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