KONGGRES.COM – Microsoft kemarin sempat merilis dukungan pembaruan mereka untuk pengguna Insider Dev Channel, di mana banyak menghadirkan sejumlah perbaikan dan peningkatan fitur. Hari ini, Microsoft resmi merilis dukungan pembaruan untuk Insider Beta Channel.
Setelah memberikan dukungan pembaruan mingguan untuk pengguna Insider Dev Channel kemarin, kini Microsoft memberikan dukungan pembaruan lainnya untuk pengguna Insider Beta Channel. Pembaruan kali ini akan otomatis mengubah Build OS menjadi 22621.1037 dan 22623.1037 ketika telah berhasil diinstall.
Seperti biasa, Microsoft memberikan dua versi berbeda untuk mereka yang menggunakan Insider Beta, yang mana pengguna dengan Build OS 22623 sudah tidak perlu menggunakan akses ViveTool untuk mengaktifkan sejumlah fitur. Sedangkan pengguna 22621 harus menggunakan akses ViveTool untuk mengaktifkan fitur barunya.
Lebih jelasnya, simak apa saja perbaikan dan peningkatan fitur terbaru yang dihadirkan oleh Microsoft untuk Build OS yang ada di Insider Beta Channel di bawah ini:
Build OS 22623
- Updated the Quick Settings icons in the taskbar when using a screen reader so if you set focus to each of the icons it no longer includes the words system state and instead just says what the icon is (for example instead of “system volume state” it just says “volume”).
- Fixed a few more explorer.exe crashes relating to recent taskbar changes.
- We fixed the issue causing Task Manager to become unresponsive when using the search box at the top of Task Manager.
Build OS 22621
- We fixed a known issue that might have affected Task Manager. It might have displayed certain elements in the user interface (UI) in unexpected colors. Some parts of the UI might not have been readable. This issue might have occurred if you had “Choose your mode” set to “Custom” in the Personalization > Colors section of Settings.
- We fixed an issue that might have affected Data Protection Application Programming Interface (DPAPI) decryption. The decryption of a certificate’s private key might have failed. Because of that, virtual private networks (VPN) and other 802.1 certificate-based authentications might have failed. This issue might have occurred when you encrypted the DPAPI master key with the wrong value.
Tetapi, mungkin baik pengguna Insider Beta dan Dev akan mendapatkan sejumlah masalah baru karena Microsoft baru-baru ini telah menambahkan beberapa Known Issue yang telah mereka tambahkan. Beberapa diantaranya ialah sebagai berikut:
- You may see issues with the search box on taskbar not rendering correctly and displaying visual artifacts. (bug di Search on Taskbar)
- Filtering by publisher name does not match correctly on the Processes page. (Daftar ini dan dibawahnya merupakan Bug di Task Manager)
- Some services may not show in the Services page after filtering is applied.
- If a new process is starting while a filter is set, then that process may appear for a split second in the filtered list.
- Some dialogs may not render in the correct theme when applied from Task Manager Settings page.
- The data content area of the Processes page may flash once when these changes are applied in the Task Manager Settings page.
- The Startup apps page in Task manager does not list any apps for some Insiders. If you are impacted, please use Settings > Apps > Startup for the time being.