Home » Microsoft Konfirmasi Tak akan Gantikan Command Prompt

Microsoft Konfirmasi Tak akan Gantikan Command Prompt

by anaknongkrong
Command Prompt

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, cukup banyak rumor yang mengatakan bahwa Microsoft akan menggantikan Command Prompt yang ada di Windows 11 dengan menggunakan Windows Terminal. Mengenai kabar ini, Microsoft mendapatkan sejumlah kritikan dari penggunanya di Windows 11.

Melalui beberapa sumber, Microsoft dinyatakan akan menggantikan Command Prompt dengan menggunakan Windows Terminal, mengenai hal ini akhirnya Microsoft memberikan konfirmasi bahwa berita yang beredar ini sepertinya harus ditinjau kembali.

Microsoft originally announced Terminal at the Build 2020 developer conference. It has evolved into a full-fledged built-in terminal environment with backward compatibility, improved rendering with GPU acceleration, modern text rendering, and more. With the Terminal app, you can access Linux, Command Prompt and PowerShell in one place.

One of the recent Windows 10 updates also added a toggle that lets you make the Terminal the default. Terminal environment in the operating system

Some users fear the rise of the Terminal app and AI could result in the removal of Command Prompt (cmd.exe) or its branding, but that’s not the case, as the tech giant is fully committed to the legacy of Command Prompt.

Christopher Nguyen juga memberikan konfirmasi bahwa Microsoft tidak akan menggantikan Command Prompt dengan mengubahnya ke versi Windows Terminal. Dia menambahkan bahwa hal tersebut cukup membuat banyak tugas, mengingat kedua program cukup memiliki perbedaan yang tinggi.

According to Christopher Nguyen, a Program Manager at Microsoft, Windows Terminal is not a replacement for Command Prompt or PowerShell.

“That’s a very common question. Command prompt and the Windows Terminal work hand-in-hand together,” Microsoft noted.

The Microsoft Program Manager clarified that the Command Prompt is seamlessly integrated within the Windows Terminal.

He further explained, “Windows Terminal serves as a host for command-line shells, like Command Prompt. When you type commands in the Terminal, it communicates them to the Command Prompt for execution and then showcases the results.”

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