Home » Microsoft Konfirmasi Gunakan DALL-E di Microsoft Paint

Microsoft Konfirmasi Gunakan DALL-E di Microsoft Paint

by anaknongkrong

Microsoft memang terkenal dengan pengembangan teknologi yang rasanya memang tidak main-main bukan? Pasalnya setelah perusahaan ini sukses mengembangkan AI dengan OpenAI dan meluncurkannya di Bing Chat, mereka kembali memperluas jangkauan AI di sistem Windows.

Kesempatan kali ini, Microsoft kembali merilis peningkatan AI dengan membawakan DALL-E AI di salah satu aplikasi bawaan mereka yaitu Microsoft Paint. Pengembangan teknologi ini memungkinkan pengguna Windows untuk mendapatkan peningkatan efisiensi ketika menggambar.

Windows has another exciting year ahead, and one of its most popular apps, ‘Paint’, is set for a big AI push. Microsoft is testing a DALL-E and Bing-powered image creator called “Cocreator” in the Paint app, which uses the Redmond giant and OpenAI’s AI system to create realistic images and art from a text description.

DALL-E AI bisa bekerja dengan memaksimalkan pencarian visual dari gambar yang kamu miliki, ketika kamu memiliki sebuah gambar dan ingin menciptakan gambar baru maka DALL-E mampu bekerja menampilkannya.

Well, jika ditelisik fitur ini hampir sama dengan apa yang mereka rilis di Bing Chat bukan? Melalui Image Creator yang juga memungkinkan pengguna untuk dapat menggunakan Microsoft Bing AI untuk mencari gambar.

The primary difference between Bing Chat and Paint’s image creator mode is the latter has deeper integration with features like background removal.

It is also worth noting the new “Cocreator” panel in Paint would be powered using web technology, which could be slower than the native tech, but it gets the job done.

A quick look at the updated app package of the Paint app confirmed Microsoft is using OpenAI’s safeguards. However, if you still notice an offensive picture generated by the app, there’s an option to flag it as unsafe. You can also directly provide feedback to the Redmond giant using the thumbs-up or down buttons.

The codebase also revealed Microsoft has made “changes” to the OpenAI’s DALL-E safeguards to put an “additional limit to the generating of unsafe images”. The harmful prompts are automatically blocked, and Microsoft may warn the user through web-based messages in Paint if they continue to abuse the feature.

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